Stiv Bators - The Lord
Stiv Bators - The Lord

Stiv Bators

22.10.49 - 03.06.90

To paraphrase Michael Monroe: '...Jim Morrison was our great grandfather, Iggy Pop our grandfather and Stiv Bators our Father...'
This quotation perfectly sums up the great lineage to which Stiv Belongs, and emphasizes his extraordinary contribution by becoming the definitive Killer Rock and Rock Vocalist of our and future generations.
This part of the site is intended to pay homage to the Lord, and, with everyone's help - by completing this guestbook - build up a comprehensive picture of his life and times and continuing legacy. Stiv Bators - All This and More...
Click Here to View Rare Dead Boys Images by Devorah Ostrov
Click Here to View Rare Dead Boys Interview by Devorah Ostrov
The Wanderers - Stiv Questionnaire
Solo Projects
Atsuko Shima's Stiv Tribute
Stiv Bators - Tribute / Memorial Show - September 18th, 2004, Beachland Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

View The Memory Book
Sign The Memory Book


