The Photography Of Devorah Ostrov: 46. Billy Hopeless
The Photography Of Devorah Ostrov

46. Billy Hopeless - The Black Halos

Grant & Green, San Francisco, 2006

According to his MySpace biographical sketch, the abundantly tattooed Mr. Hopeless is a man of many interests, all of which are appropriate for someone of his appearance and vocation. He enjoys "destruction and creation, late night science fiction double feature picture shows, skull and vintage curios collecting, the dark corners in which the spiders hide…" But our Billy isn't all doom and gloom. Hidden amongst the obvious who's who of obscure glam/punk/goth groups that populate his Fave Band section, you'll find The Bay City Rollers and The Partridge Family! And lest you think it's just a test to see if potential "friends" are paying attention, check out his blog for Sunday, 8/20/2006: "tomorrow im going to the p.n.e. (our city annual fair) to see david cassidy play, eat lil donuts, watch pig races… win jumbo stuffed animals…" Of course, on Tuesday he goes for a late-night CAT scan "just to keep my damage control in check."


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